You can view and verify FavePay transactions on a real-time basis in FaveBiz by following the guide below.
Favebiz App
a. Manager Mode
- If you are logged in via Manager Mode, you will be able to select the outlets from the dropdown on the top of the page. After selecting the particular outlet, you may click on the Transactions icon from the bottom and it will direct you to the page to view the transactions.
- Alternatively, you may “Switch to Staff Mode” if you are logged in via Manager Mode by clicking on the Account icon from the bottom, then select the respective outlet. This will bring you to the Staff mode and any successful FavePay transactions will be shown here. You may filter for viewing transactions for different services or viewing the different date transactions.
b. Staff Mode
- Login to the Staff Mode by using the respective Partner Code. Any successful FavePay transactions will be shown here. You may filter for viewing transactions for different services or viewing the different date transactions.
Favebiz Website
a. Manager Mode
Click on the icon on the top right of the screen in the blue box. Select ‘Switch to Staff’ from the dropdown.
You will be directed to Staff Mode. Any successful FavePay transactions will be shown here. You may filter for viewing transactions for different services or viewing the different date transactions.
b. Staff Mode
Login to the Staff Mode by using the respective Partner Code.
Any successful FavePay transactions will be shown here. You may filter for viewing transactions for different services or viewing the different date transactions.
If there is any missing FavePay transaction in Favebiz, do kindly contact our Partner Management Team by providing the transaction details or take a screenshot of the customer transaction screen with Receipt ID.
If you have any questions or need further explanation, please do not hesitate to contact our Fave Partner Management team at the following correspondence.
Live chat: Login to Favebiz > Support > Contact Us > Chat with us